Roommate Selection

You may request a specific roommate; however, all requests must be mutual. Requests can be made by creating roommate groups eRezLife after completing a housing application. More information on how to create roommate groups is available in eRezLife under Bulletins & Resources.

Students who come with an open mind and make open communication a priority usually get along with their roommates. Living with someone is an important part of the overall educational process. You’ll find that living in a residential community is often one of the most rewarding facets of your collegiate experience. Roommate changes will not be made before the start of the semester. Please be open-minded when viewing social networking sites. Judging whether or not another student will be a good roommate from a website is not a good substitute for meeting in person. Feel free to contact your roommate before arriving on campus. It’s probably a good idea to talk with your new roommate before heading off to college. If nothing else, it will help eliminate duplication (two TVs, two stereos, two microwaves, etc.).


Be open and friendly: It takes a lot of energy to give someone a cold shoulder. Instead of doing that, try talking to your roommate about what’s bothering you. If you’re getting negative vibes from your roommate, ask them if something is bothering them.

Be understanding: Everyone can be irrational at times, in a bad mood, or just down.
Try to understand the motives behind your roommate’s actions: Helping one another through the tough times builds strong relationships.

Give each other some space: Togetherness is great, but you can have too much of a good thing. Consider the need for both of you to have some time alone, and find your quiet time when s/he is in class or at an activity. If it doesn’t work out naturally, talk about it.

Ask before you borrow: Each person has a different comfort level for sharing belongings. Unless you have already come to an agreement on common-use items, ask first and avoid misunderstandings.

Define neatness: There’s a lot of room between a neat freak and a slob. Talk with your roommate about where you fall on the scale. You can each adjust accordingly and find a place that suits you both.

Set limits and stick to them: Let each other know ahead of time about individual study habits, guests and noise levels.

After the first two weeks of the semester, students are permitted to request a room change. The Residence Life office will notify students when room changes can be requested. Students will need to meet with their RA and complete a room change request form in the Residence Life Office. Room changes are not guaranteed and will be granted only if space is available.